Give Me Liberty 5th Edition Chapter 3 Review Questions

Notes: Give Me Liberty! An American History: Chapter 3

Eric Foner: Give Me Liberty! An American History: Chapter notes, study guide, book outline.

Eric Foner: Give Me Freedom! An American History: Chapter notes, study guide, book outline.


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Affiliate 3 - Creating Anglo-America (1660-1750)

Chapter 3 - Creating Anglo-America (1660-1750)

Focus Questions

  1. How did the English language empire in America aggrandize in the mid-seventeenth century?
  2. How did slavery take root in the Atlantic World?
  3. What major social and political crises rocked the colonies in the tardily seventeenth century?
  4. What were the directions of social and economic change in the eighteenth-century colonies?
  5. How did patterns of class and gender roles change in eighteenth-century America?

Affiliate iii Notes

  1. Political tensions continued
  1. Bloodiest battle of 17th century (in New England) - Indians attacked half of the 90 BR colonies. Iroquois helped colonists
  1. Indians Leader = Metacom (Wampanoag leader, known by colonists equally King Philip) led the attacks.
  2. Metacom was captured and killed; led to a broadening of freedom for New Englanders.

The Expansion of England'southward Empire

  1. The Mercantilist System
  1. Soon became clear that the colonies = large source of wealth
  2. Mercantilism - said gov should regulate trade to promote eco power.
  3. Exports should exceed imports
  4. Navigation laws passed - certain "enumerated" goods (basically the most valuable - carbohydrate & tobacco) had to be transported in English language ships and sold initially in English ports, although they could then be re-exported to foreign markets.
  1. Also, virtually goods from colonies had to exist shipped thru England (customs paid). (AM ships = considered English ships, so they profited as well)

The conquest of New Netherland (NY)

  1. Rex Charles Ii (ENG) overtook NN and gave information technology to his brother, James (Knuckles of York), giving him full power. That's why it'southward called New York now.
  2. The Eng turned New York into a major trading seaport and a launching pad for armed services operations

New York and the Rights of Englishmen and Englishwomen

  1. Their was nevertheless religious freedom in New York, but women lost their correct to run businesses in their name and also belongings inheritance
  2. Blacks, however, were removed from very skilled jobs.

New York and the Indians

Roll to Continue

  1. Alliance was formed w/ Iroquois Confederacy.
  2. Iroquois Confederacy were forced East by FR and other Indian tribes. They developed a policy of conscientious neutrality b/c of this, just profiting from fur trade.

The Lease of Liberties

  1. B/c Colonists of Long Island were lament of Not having the "liberties of Englishmen", they drafted a Charter of Liberties and Privileges
  1. it gave them the "liberties" (making them superior to Dutch settlers), as well as elections held every iii years

The Founding of Carolina

  1. Started w/ settlers in Barbados (richest plantation economy) - wealthy planters moved there. It was a "colony of a colony"
  2. Primal Constitutions of Carolina - proposed to est a feudal society westward/ a hereditary nobility, serfs, and slaves. Offered 150 acres to each member of arriving family unit.
  1. This didn't really happen. Slavery really made it hierarchical

Carolina slowly grew into the wealthiest elite in ENG North America and also the epicenter mainland middle The Holy Experiment

  1. Pennsylvania! Est by William Penn to escape religious persecution
  2. Charles Two - supported Will b/c Charles owed Will's father $$. Charles gave Penn a vast track of country SW of New York, and also the sometime Swedish colony that became Delaware
  3. Society of Friends, or Quakers, were persecuted in ENG so they came here

Quaker Liberty

  1. Considered anybody equal; they were the first whites to repudiate slavery. Liberty was universal, non entitled to individuals
  2. Penn and the Indians - actually purchased country from Indians and gave refuge to Ind's who were chased abroad from other colonies.
  3. Religious freedom = Penn'due south most fundamental principle. Was also a strict code of personal morality - gov prevented swearing, drunkenness, adultery, etc..

Country in Pennsylvania

  1. Penn sold country for inexpensive rather than giving information technology out, simply turned no turn a profit.
  2. Pennsylvania started to attract many indentured servants from Virginia and Maryland, somewhen making them dependent on slave labor.

Origins of American Slavery

  1. Slaves had many advantages; their terms never expired, and they couldn't merits protections under English law.
  2. AF slaves were also used to intensive agricultural labor
  3. Englishmen and Africans
  1. English language viewed any alien ppls w/ disdain
  2. Racism was a new concept started in the 17th century
  3. Slaves were almost e'er outsiders, transported from elsewhere to their labor identify

Slavery in History

  1. Slavery had existed since the beg of time.
  2. AM slavery (plantations), however, encouraged the cosmos of a precipitous boundary btwn slavery and freedom. New Earth, it's associated west/ race

Slavery in the Westward Indies

  1. 17th century - slave trade was major international business. Only a modest handful were taken to ENG colonies
  2. Sugar = first crop to be mass-marketed to consumers in Europe. It was by far the near imp product of the BR, FR, and Portuguese empires.
  1. 1660, Barbados generated more trade than al the other ENG colonies combined

Slaves cost more than than indentured servants, (and high death rates) making them unappealing to buy a lifetime of labor. Slavery and the Police force

  1. Las Siete Partidas - SP laws granting slaves sure rights.
  2. ENG laws were far more repressive.
  3. Chesapeake laws abt blacks= most ambiguous...eventually became very repressive against blacks. Fifty-fifty free blacks had a poll tax and couldn't inter-racial ally.
  4. Anthony Johnson - slave arrived in Virginia and somehow got gratis, so owned several hundred acres of land and slaves

The rise of Chesapeake slavery

  1. Slavery for whites and blacks started relatively equal, only effectually the 1660s the conditions for each greatly inverse
  2. Virginia law of 1662 - Children of one slave and one complimentary person, the child was considered the aforementioned as the mother (making slave-children profitable for slaveowners)
  3. Church even prohibited marrying blacks (if you weren't blackness)

Salary's Rebellion: Land and labor in Virginia

  1. Shift from white indentured servants to AF slaves as main labor force.
  2. Virginia's tobacco boom benefitted farmers and planters. It created a big poverty level.
  3. Gov William Berkeley- kept peaceful relations w/ Indians
  4. Rebellion - I indentured servant accused of planning an uprising
  1. Started w/ a minor Indian/colonist confrontation, Settlers demanded that gov authorize their extermination only he disagreed, led to insurgence
  2. Leader = Nathaniel Bacon. Bulk of the men were discontented men (previously servants)

The terminate of the Rebellion, and its consequences

  1. Salary promised freedom for all who joined him. Scared off Berkeley and he became the leader of Virginia.
  2. Rebellion ended when English warships arrived to restore club.
  3. Solution = regime reduced taxes and adopted a more ambitious Indian policy, opening a western areas to small farmers.

A slave society

  1. Expiry rates brutal, and so lifetime labor was at present worth the price.
  2. Besides, since the monopoly of the Eng slave trade was over, trade was much cheaper (slaves)

Notions of freedom

  1. Everyone feared enslavement, and many slaves ran away. When the blacks were in court, they said that they converted to Christianity or had white fathers
  1. This was i reason why Virginia closed the pathways to liberty (1660s)

Colonies in Crisis

  1. King Philip's War of 1675 and Bacons Rebellion: led to uprisings in other colonies
  2. The Glorious Revolution
  1. Back to England - established parliamentary supremacy once for all and secured the Protestant succession to the throne.
  2. Male monarch Charles II died and was succeeded by James II (duke of york). Charles had a son, but ppl feared Catholic succession, so they invited the Dutch nobleman William of Orange to assume the throne in the proper noun of Eng liberties
  1. Notion of the overthrow was that liberty was the birthright of all Englishmen.

Toleration Act in England - freedom of Protestants to worship freely in Eng, simply aught compared to colonies' freedom The Glorious Revolution in America

  1. Colonies ran themselves west/ little interference from England
  2. Navigation Acts fabricated ppl mad
  3. Sir Edmund Andros - put under command of a unmarried super colony (combination of Connecticut, Plymouth, Mass, New Hamp, Rhode Is, NY, and E/Westward Jersey)
  1. Was all seen equally a threat to freedom b/c Andros didn't accept to answer to any elected authority

The Maryland Uprising

  1. Overthrow of Rex James II in Eng led to rebellions in the colonies (NY taken over, Maryland'southward Lord Baltimore overthrew

Leisler's Rebellion

  1. Leisler = German born Calvinist who divided NY along economic and ethnic lines. Leisler eventually hanged and cut into pieces, simply the disputes he created lasted on.

Changes in New England

  1. After Edmund Andros tending of, the colonies tried hard to get their charters back. Mass didn't get it; it got turned into a place where land ownership was the requirement to vote.

Prosecution of witches

  1. Witches were individuals who were of having entered into a pact with the devil to obtain supernatural powers, which they used to impairment others or to interfere west/ natural processes.

The Salem Witch Trials

  1. Witches usually women. In Salem, they were basically anyone.
  2. These led to ppl finding scientific evidence about events rather than just attributing them to super-natural events

The Growth of Colonial America

  1. Colonies have grown immensely: population grew from 230k in 1700 to 2.three million in 1770
  2. A Various Population
  1. Very various, eventually started the skilled workers of England, whom Eng could sick afford to lose. Eng stopped encouraging emigration terminate 17th century

Alluring settlers (to colonies)

  1. BR tried to attract settlers past offering BR citizenship for living in ENG for 7 yrs
  2. This new thing attracted many diff ppl's.

The German Migration

  1. 110,000 in all, largest group migrated to the U.s..
  2. Germany was divided into many small states w/ specific religions to worship in each: that's why they fled,
  3. Germans traveled as families, and had tight knit farming communities

Religious diversity

  1. BR AM wasn't a "melting pot" (b/c ppl stayed in homogenous communities)
  2. Ppl basically came to AM b/c they could do w/eastward they wanted and achieve w/e they set their mind to, and not be persecuted

Indian life in transition

  1. Many tribes washed with, the remnants formed new tribes
  2. They were treated adequately past William Penn, but relations got less friendly after Penn passed

Regional Diversity

  1. Very different living standards in the colonies

The Consumer Revolution

  1. The colonies joined the international consumer revolution. British goods in AM colonies.
  2. Consumerism in a mod sense (the mass production, advert, and sale of consumer goods) didn't exist in colonial AM

Colonial Cities

  1. Mostly agricultural, however, ports did develop west/ more trade

Colonial artisans

  1. Large population of artisans in AM: Typical artisan endemic his own tools and labored in a small workshop. B/c they had a skill, they were pretty well off.
  2. Despite all the BR goods, AM artisans did have the ability to rise to master

An Atlantic earth

  1. All the merchandise held together the international earth.
  2. Membership in the Empire had many advantages for the colonists
  1. Protected AM aircraft, lax enforcement of Nav. Human activity gave way to smuggling

Social Classes in the Colonies

  1. The Colonial Elite
  1. Merchants quickly became upper class, only they needed connections in ENG to really be successful. No banks in Colonial AM
  2. Upper course ppl often intermarried and were tight knit families that ruled
  1. Virginia - said to be governed by a "cousinocracy"

Virginia - you could really only inherit your wealth Anglicization

  1. It's the proper name historians came up with for describing how elites in the colonies became more and more English.
  2. Desperate to follow an aloof lifestyle, many farmers roughshod into debt - William Byrd = 100,000 pounds of debt

The South Carolina Aristocracy

  1. Richest group of mainland colonists = SC planters
  2. SC planters went on vacations to the north and lived lavish lifestyles
  3. Per Capita wealth = 2300 lbs....liberty from labor was the mark of a gentleman

Poverty in the colonies

  1. Half of the ppl needed public assist
  2. Half of the entire wealth of the colonies rested in the top 10% of ppl overall

The Centre Ranks

  1. Not much of was considered a precondition to freedom/liberty

Women and the Household Economic system

  1. 18th century = family was the center of economic life
  2. Several colonies = law required land be passed down to the oldest son
  3. "Women'due south piece of work is never done" - truthful b/c work kept increasing

North America at Mid-century

  1. Many colonists enjoyed more freedoms than those in Europe
  2. Free colonists probably had the highest per capita income in the world.
  3. Colonists economic growth led to loftier birthrates, long life expectancy, and expanding demand for consumer goods


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Faith on March 09, 2017:

Why is there no notes for chapters 5 n half dozen

Grace on September 25, 2014:


EV on September 13, 2014:

this is all over creating anglo America right? im just making sure because soe of this I saw in ch.2

Jeff on September 01, 2014:

How did the English empire in America expand in the mid-seventeenth century?

xina on September 24, 2012:

Thank you lot so much! I read the volume during the week, just I like to review earlier grade. This is very helpful!

Julie on September eighteen, 2012:

Cheers and then much!! This is really helpful, particularly if your the type of person that does non like reading history. This is straight frontwards .

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